The era of disconnection and what we can do about it

Hi radicals,

As we move forward, I believe there is a war on life occurring. At this time, there is so much that pulls us further and further away from feeling a sense of connection to life. With the rise of new technology, fast fashion and social media- it can leave us feeling unfulfilled, empty and disconnected. These overstimulating distractions are coming at us every minute of every day. When we get lost in them, our energy becomes scrambled, fatigued and confused. Unable to experience a feeling we all yearn for- loving life. Loving our life.

As a nurse and a curious soul, I have done lots of digging around where disease originates from. I don’t think I will ever be able to understand this mystery, but the drive to help the world become a healthier and happier place keeps me seeking and searching. What I have seen, is that when we are not connected to our life, when we do not love being alive, we create more opportunity for illness. We may numb out, make decisions that are not in the interest of our health and create more space for the dis-ease of energy within our body to occur. I find that this begins in childhood, and this is why I made it my mission to help kids through using their creativity to weave life.

So what can we do to remedy the distractions that pull us away from our true nature and our connection to life? We use our creativity to connect to life! I have spent years listening to and observing the ways in which we are all connected and the ways that we connect to our unique spirit by learning from nature. Nature is a creative expression, and so are we. Life may be creativity itself. And so, a direct way to feel a sense of connection to our life is to create. Create through any medium but movement, art and sound are great places to start.

The next time you are feeling stuck, lost, or like you no longer want to be here- try dancing, try painting, try singing!

These modalities join our spirit and our body and generate a resonance of connection in which we feel alive. Creativity is our life line. It is the way of nature. As my teacher Mamae Medicine says, “to rebel is to love your life”. In the era of disconnection, it is time to weave our life.


Meeting kids where they are- the realm of magic.