Meeting kids where they are- the realm of magic.
Hi beauties,
I am so thrilled about introducing this topic. If we want to help kids, we must meet them where they are. We must speak the same language. However, we have not been speaking the language of children, we have been asking them to speak the language of adults. I believe we have been missing out on a massive opportunity to help kids thrive in life by ignoring one of their greatest super powers- believing in magic. To help kids to move through challenges, transform pain and thrive, we must meet them where they are- the realm of magic.
When I speak of magic, I mean being in a place where one can feel that all life is connected. A place where anything is possible. The belief that anything is possible, is fundamental to ones ability to heal. If we do not believe a scenario is possible, we put a cap on our ability to heal and transform. With children, their imaginations are so vast, their creative spirits are so free and when we work with this- their potential to heal is far more effiecient than an adult with a closed mind. So why have we been teaching them practices that adults with close minds use? Our ignoring these basic principles has drastically limited children’s ability to heal and thrive in life.
When kids work with magical practices, their capacity to heal is greater because we are meeting them where they are, we are speaking their language and we are now in the realm of possibility. This is why Life Weaving helps each kid use their own magic as their medicine. This will look different for each child, but it is acknowledging the ancient way that we have the tools inside of us to get through lifes challenges. When we acknowledge that an effective way for kids to heal is for them to work with their own magic, their imagination and creativity, we give them tools to help them become self sufficient beings.
A disconnect I have seen is that kids are not taught practices in which they use their body and their imagination when they are going through challenges. Children are active beings and meeting them where they are also means using their body to transform their suffering. This is why I have created a modality for children that uses magical movements, creativity and the imagination whenever they are experiencing life’s challenges. They will have tools to call on the power within them to find strength, confidence and shine.
It is exciting teaching kids how to use their magic as their medicine. It opens a door for new possibilities of healing and gives kids permission to call on the power within when they need it.
Big love, Alex