What are kids capable of in the environment of kindness?
Hi beautiful people
I am sitting in my cozy apartment in the center of the spiral on Cape Cod today. The wind creating music and the stars so bright this time of year, they are like lighthouses of the sky. I am in a deep ponder and invite you to come to ponderland with me.
What are kids capable of in the environment of kindness??? The question dropped out of thin air, or maybe it dropped out of the stars light! hehehe
I am thinking about how brave kids are. How much they feel and how they still go into a sea of strangers and challenges each day at school. I remember back to being in school and how there was always some kid in the class that tried to make others feel they were less than, that for whatever reason some kids were cool and others weren’t. Or, a teacher that didn’t really feel like she wanted us to succeed. I wonder how much the energy of judgement can impact children and their capabilities.
When we are surrounded by those whom judge us, do not respect us, and do not believe in us, we often close up and hide. This environment can thwart a childs ability to learn, to share and to access their innate brilliance. As science has showed us, our environment deeply affects the expression of our genes and therefore our whole health. When we speak about environment, we forget that the people we surround ourself with create the strongest impact on our energetic environment. So, when kids are surrounded by those whom do not respect them or judge them, it can create an environment of anxiety and fear. An environment of closing instead of shinning.
What would happen if a foundational principle of learning was to create an environment of kindness? From this place, it is easy for a kid to feel safe. To be able to share their ideas with the class, to approach a new kid and make friends and to enjoy school- instead of the underlying energy of judgement that is so easy for them feel. Without these energetic distractions, maybe it would be easier for kids to focus on learning? On growing? On enjoying being a kid and playing?!
To create an environment of kindness does not mean every person has to be friends with each other, it means every person must honor and respect another. When the environment of kindness is present, the fabric of the group allows each kid to grow, to shine, to be exactly who they are.
This is a foundational structure at The Rainbow Weavers Camp. With the environment of kindness, kids focus on their creativity and build confidence in sharing their art, their writings, their dancing because they feel a sense of support and belonging. It is only natural for our brilliance to be expressed from this place.
I would love to hear your experiences with or without the fabric of kindness and how it impacts you and your kids life.
with love, Alex